The programs at the Center provide a variety of opportunities to encourage the social, emotional, physical and educational growth of your child. Through play based, structured activities, games, arts and crafts, meals and snacks, and other daily routines as well as some special program activities, your child will learn to interact with other children and adults. In addition, your child will learn to follow directions, act independently, develop artistic creativity and verbal expression, and learn fair play and cooperation. The Center, through daily activities offers the children the stimulating age-appropriate early educational activities parents expect their child to receive in a pre-school experience. (This is a part of the developmental area of your child's time at the Center). The Children are placed and moved to programs they are eligible for by age, developmentally ready for (and there is availability in the program) so their experience at the Center is a nurturing and happy one. An annual curriculum guide is developed and given to parents each year. It is the goal of all our programs to promote self-esteem, independence, health and safety. We strive for children to have an enriching, fun learning and playtime experience at Rainbow Junction. Our programs provide indoor and outdoor activities which enhance their childhood. It is also our goal to provide nurturing and professional staff for your child's care giving and developmental needs. The children have a busy day with a general routine all programs follow. Each program has specific activities geared to the interest and ability of the age group of the children.
RAINBOW Room is home to our INFANTS (6w-12m) who are totally reliant on caregivers to meet their needs (feeding, diapering, "entertainment" and safety). Parents need to provide all bottles and diapers and need to have daily contact with the caregivers regarding care. We will provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment as a beginning awakening to the child's world. As the baby grows, we will provide floor space and stimulating interaction and toys to enhance the Childs’ world. Quiet care times are provided so they can get the rest they need. Feeding and diapering times will also be used to do finger plays and one to one games/interaction. Parents will choose a formula and food program-there is no difference in fees if we provide or parent provides food or formula. Based on enrollment, this room may include "Woddlers” (up to 18 months), the programming and activities will be arranged to meet the needs of the older infants.
ORANGE Room is home to OLDER INFANTS (either 12-18 months or 15-24months with a waiver). These kids are on the go and learning about their environment. They begin working on self-help skills, feeding themselves and their fine and gross motor skills begin to improve.
YELLOW Room is home to the TODDLERS (18-36m). They begin toilet training, learn to manage their clothing alone, take care of their needs and become very verbal. They are able to make choices (not always the best ones) and play with other children. They learn to sit for story and get gooey with art projects and are beginning to learn specific concepts (color, shapes, names, etc.).
RED room is home to your Young 3’s. Independent skills are fine-tuned and children are ready for more challenging activities both in projects and in play. They play on the big playground and have structured activities both indoor and outside. These children are not typically eligible for the district’s 3PK program. They continue to work on toileting and self-help skills, as well as fine and gross motor skills.
BLUE/PURPLE Rooms are home to our Preschool and PreK programs/3PK/UPK (older 3’s and young 5’s /PreK children getting ready for kindergarten). The children in these rooms are part of our 3PK/UPK program that is contracted through the school or they attend programs at the school for PreK. Some of these children follow the school calendar, while some children are here year-round. Our programs follow the Early Learning Guidelines and the curriculum is based around the trending educational themes. They play on the big playground and have a structured playground.
GOLD Room is home to the School Age program. The children in this room are a mixed group of kindergartners through 5th grade. They enjoy lots of recreational time at the Center as we are not homework and school oriented. Summers and non-school days find the kids doing field trips, going to the lake and doing lots of arts and crafts.
We accept children with special needs IF we feel we can provide for the child care required without interruption of our program. We work with parents and other community agencies to provide the best care we can. Whether the special need is a behavior or handicapping condition, we will work within the network of the family, school or community agencies. However, if the Center is not able to provide child care services, we will help the family as much as possible in referring the family to an appropriate agency. We will work with parents in referring children for evaluations as needed (Public Health for children under 3 years and the school for children 3-5 years). Services can be provided at the Center through the various early intervention providers.
Children/families may be excluded from care due to the following:
Each new child will have an evaluation of skills as we observe them (two times per year the teachers make note of the progress of each child). The record forms are kept in the child’s file.
Each child will be assigned a cubie with a space to hang a coat and store items brought from home. Please empty the cubie each day to take home your child's daily creations.
Children are required to wear clothing they can manage by themselves (both indoor and outdoor). Children need to be dressed for the weather conditions and for the play they do for the most of the day. Tied/Velcro or buckled on sneakers are required and boots for outdoor play in inclement weather (along with hats, mittens, leggings). No open toe/heels, sandals, flip-flops or slippery shoes please! All children must wear underwear or diapers, shorts (including under dresses) or slacks and shirts. Freedom of movement is important and ease of dressing is essential.
6:30 am CENTER OPENS (we are not able to accept children for care prior to 6:30)
07:00-08:00 |
Breakfast is served* |
06:30-09:15 |
Free Play and Combined care |
09:15-09:30 |
Circle Time |
09:30-10:00 |
Bathroom, Wash and Morning Snack |
10:00-11:00 |
Centers, Story Time, Crafts and Activities |
11:00-11:45 |
Gross Motor or Outside Play |
11:45-12:30 |
Story, Music and Movement, Wash and Lunch |
12:30- 03:00 |
Rest and Quiet Play (Varies with age groups and classrooms) |
03:00-03:30 |
Free Play |
03:30 |
School Age children arrive at Center for pm program |
03:30-04:00 |
Wash and Afternoon Snack |
04:00-05:15 |
Outside Play, Large Group Play, Crafts and Specials |
05:15 |
Closing/Combine Care |
5:30 |
8:35 School Buses arrive on school days
9:00-3:00 3PK is in session (following PYCSD calendar)
A LATE PICKUP FEE OF $2.00 CHARGED FOR EACH MINUTE PER CHILD THAT IS PICKED UP AFTER CLOSING (Example: $2/minute for 1 child…pick up at 5:45pm...15 minutes X $2 = $30.00). If a child is not picked up and we cannot contact the parent or emergency release person, we will consider the child abandoned and contact local police.
If PYE closes or delays due to weather conditions, Rainbow Junction will open at 7:30. Please listen to 13Wham News and WFLR for updates. We may also be forced to close due to other emergency/health related issues. If we have to close, 1/5 of weekly fees will be credited for each full day we are unavailable. Make sure we have your contact information in case we have to close early if it becomes unreasonable for us to stay open or we have to close.