At the time of enrollment of your child there is certain information that we collect to maintain complete and accurate records as required by State or Federal agencies New York State Day Care Center Regulations. The remaining information is used to promote the safety and well-being of your child. A packet of forms to be completed prior to the first day of your child's attendance will be provided.
Please complete the required information on the forms, including all financial information requested. Our fees are based on the GROSS HOUSEHOLD INCOME and are figured on a sliding fee scale. Income information is confidential and subject to audit by either State or Federal government. You are reminded that false, inaccurate or insufficient information jeopardizes both our license and funding. You also are liable for any statements which you make on these application forms.
The family will contract for services for a given number of days per week and a number of weeks per year. Hereafter, these dates will be referred to as the family's "SLOT". The slot is the specific number of days as well as the particular days for which the child is enrolled. Please let us know if you need to make changes in the days or times your child is attending. You will need permission for these changes since these changes may not always be available. At the time you enroll your child, you need to pay (per child) for the registration and group accident insurance fees (non-refundable) according to the current policy listed on the contract. WE PREFER NO CASH, CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS made payable to Rainbow Junction...IF YOU MUST LEAVE CASH, DO NOT LEAVE IT UNLESS YOU GET A RECEIPT. There is also an option of using a debit/credit card payment through myprocare.com (a small convenience fee is charged by the company). If the Director is not in the office, you may place your payment in the "fee box". Each year you will be given new forms to complete and a new contract to sign for services for that year.
Full time enrollment is 3 full days or more per week. Part time enrollment is any enrollment less than 3 full days (1 or 2 days). Parents may enroll children full or part time on all of our contracts according to the child care needs of the family. Children attending part day pre-school/k programs outside the Center are charged the full-time rate as the "slot" cannot be made available to other children. Children attending 3 full days/week or more in programs outside of the Center are given a discount according to the fee scale and current policy. Enrollment by the 15th of the month entitles absences for the month. Enrollment after the 15th does not.
A reservation fee for future care for new enrollees is a non-refundable first week’s fees plus the $25 registration fee which will be put towards the first week’s fees upon enrollment. This is forfeited if the child is not enrolled. Parents will want to refer to our policies on absences and holidays for further information.